Sunday, September 5, 2010

So Little Time

Farming leaves little time to write posts and the severe internet shortage makes posting posts nearly impossible. I apologize for leaving you hanging. There are so many pictures and stories and experiences I want to share.

For I saw a free range pig! We have a 450ish pound male pig that was in a large fenced in area. The fence wasn't that secure and he seemed content to stay in his area, so we took the fence down a while ago. Chester didn't leave his area. He likes it over there. He has a creek to wallow in, tone of space to forage, we bring him food there and he has plenty of shelter. Everything a pig could want. Well, today I saw him out and about. He was exploring the farm and walking up the driveway. He found new areas to forage in and tasty compost piles and a soft spot to lay in the sun for a while. Chester is a wonderful boar and I hope he's enjoying his roaming. Most pigs don't get to have that kind of freedom. It is such an amazing site to see him lumbering about the farm on his own.

There will be more to come, but they'll be very delayed. Currently any writing time I have is devoted to writing cover letters...wish me luck!

Until next time...