Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oh yeah, now I remember

As I was contemplating my mixed bag of house plant success, I thought, 'I should put that in the blog'. And then I remembered why I haven't been able to get posts out. I always want to include pictures! And I don't have the technology to do so. And no pictures isn't nearly as much fun. Boo.

So here it is. My pothos is doing okay. My rosemary was rough starting out and has only gone down hill. You'll have to take my word for it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fresh year. Fresh start.

I have not written in a while and for that, I apologize. Let's be real. This blog doesn't have a sizable following, I'm not a particularly entertaining writer, I don't have a need to write, and anyone that needed an update could easily give me a call or send an email. And I was grumpy and negative and feeling antisocial and no one wants to hear about that! It just didn't seem worthwhile to keep this updated.

And then I had people ask about what I'd been up to and wanting to know if I was ever going to post again. It seems the end of the year brings people looking for updates. So I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Plus, I had intended this to be a narrowly focused web log. I figured it would be good to have a theme, something to keep me in line and focus my thoughts. Something to keep me from writing whatever dribble pops into my head. But then I became uninspired. So, in order to up the posting frequency, I'm morphing this into a general update/whatever is on my mind venue. I'll be writing whatever pops into my head. I'm hoping this lessens my annoying habit of needing to tell people unimportant things all the time. I can put those things here and people can read about it if they please. Or not.

Then again, maybe I don't have much to say to the world. No promises on insightful or witty or anything at all.

First thing on my mind: I'm thinking I should change the title. Any suggestions for a new name?

And happy new year!

Friday, November 12, 2010

So Proud!

I know Veterans Day has passed already, but it's always in season to be patriotic.

Are you proud to be an American?

Well you should be. And you should be displaying that patriotism constantly. With one of these.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some 'Awws' for today...

Get your 'Awws' on. I'm directing you to another blog. It's awesome...way better than this one. And I stumbled on a post that is just too adorable not to share.

Super cute farm cakes await.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So about that Halloween interview

I had an interview on Friday and I wore Halloween socks.

I thought a full on costume might detract from my winning smile and thoughtful answers, but I figured I could swing the socks.

Sparkly spiders and webs. It was a good decision.

Talk about sacrifice!

Recently my love for Halloween and my hatred for job hunting hit head on. For better or worse, my sense of obligation won out and Halloween lost.

Here's the play by play:

I LOVE Halloween. Absolutely. It always ranks as my favorite holiday. I spend weeks of my life thinking about it and preparing for it. Selecting a costume, making a costume, encouraging others to wear costumes, planning parties, attending parties, promoting and decorating parties with clever invitations and too much crepe paper. In short, it's awesome. I <3 it.

I HATE job hunting. I find it demoralizing and boring. My eyes hurt from staring at the computer for too many hours in a row. My ass hurts from sitting on it all day. And my soul hurts from the near constant rejection. Plus, I don't have any money and thinking about how I'm going to pay my bills causes me physical pain. This is not my idea of a fun time. It's the opposite of my idea for a fun time.

Thankfully, I've had several interviews. It's a key step in getting the job hunting to stop for a while. Unfortunately these interviews came during the holiday season. This meant that instead of sewing a horn, ears, and tail for the fabulous unicorn costume I had dreamed up, I spent the week preceding Halloween researching and preparing a presentation for an interview. It's just not right.

Despite the neglect I showed Halloween, Halloween showed me a great time. I wore a pirate costume from a few years ago and it looked good if not unique. I went to a birthday party and saw friends I hadn't seen in a very long time. I drank free beer. Ate amazingly delicious mac and cheese. Walked about town with a zebra. Watched Hocus Pocus. All good things.

And I have a sweet Halloween costume idea for next year. Hands off the unicorn costume...it's mine!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Speaking of organic dairying

I absolutely LOVE this.

It's fun, it's funny, it's clever. All good things. Plus it's about organic dairying, treating your cows well, and combines two generally opposing things -country life and hip hop. More good things. I don't know anything about Yeo Valley Dairy (except what they mention in the music video) and I'm not here to shill British yogurt.

I just want to bring a little sunshine to your day.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here and now.

As you know, I'm back in Minneapolis. I've actually been back for a few weeks now. And things are good.

I'm living with some old friends and some new potentially future friends. Everyone seems very friendly. And I'm loving being back in the city. The buildings are tall, the people are plentiful, and the weather has been fantastic enough that I can get outside and enjoy all of the sights and sounds that Minneapolis has to offer. This could be the start of a great new year.

But it's hard to throw myself into it all. I spend nearly all of my time writing coverletters and that makes for a simultaneously boring and tense life. Thankfully, I've had some success and I've gotten a few promising interviews, but they've been out of state. Knowing that I might be moving away soon makes it seem pointless to put effort into being here. I haven't finished unpacking -what's the point if I'll just need to pack it up again. I can't bring myself to live in the present -all I can think about is the future. And yet, not putting effort into being here and ignoring the present is going to make the here and now a disappointing place to be.