Friday, October 1, 2010

Full Circle

My first week at the farm we spent days in the blistering sun hauling metal stakes out to the tomato field, pounding them into the ground at regular intervals, and stringing the tomatoes up. My last week here we are cutting all of the lines, pulling the stakes up and hauling them out of the field, and ripping up the tomato plants. Talk about a fitting end.

It has been an amazing summer. I’m still hoping to share more of it with you. There is definitely more worth sharing. I met some amazing people, I spent nearly every day outdoors enjoying the summer weather, I worked really hard and amazed myself with the physical capability of my body, I learned a lot - about growing vegetables, about where food comes from, about the importance of sustainable agriculture, and about why everyone should know their farmer or be one. And I plan to take that all with me when I leave. And I’m going to incorporate it into my daily life. I plan on having an amazing garden someday...maybe even get involved with the urban agricultural movement. I’m going to start with a potted herb garden. I can keep you posted on how that goes…hopefully.

As for the near future…it’s hard to think that far ahead. I leave the farm tonight and will spend a few days in Madison before heading back up to Minneapolis to reintegrate myself into the commune I previously lived in. Then I’ll be penniless and unemployed and I’ll spend all of my time writing cover letters or aggressively avoiding writing said cover letters. Which sounds awful and I am not looking forward to it. I am looking forward to meeting new roommates and seeing old ones, having some time to lounge around in my pajamas, and reacquainting myself with an amazing city.

I’ll keep you posted on any changes and in the meantime I should have plenty of time to finally get around to those summer updates.

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